Change Management

Change is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be disruptive. Change management is the process of helping organisations navigate change successfully. It involves understanding the challenges of change, developing a plan for managing the change, and providing support to employees during the transition.

Change Management isn't just a list of checks to do or delivering training; at its root, it's all about people! Whether you're helping them adopt new processes or ways of working, a new technology system, an organisation structure, or some new behaviours, it's all about the people.

Lancia Consult Services


How we can help your business

Understanding and Preparing:

  • We work with you to understand the need for change, identify the goals of the change, and assess the impact of the change on your organisation.
  • We work to understand who the "movers and shakers" of this change are – who will be a champion, a compelling voice, and who might be a little more challenging?

Planning and Acting:

  • We work with you to develop a detailed plan for implementing the change.
  • We also provide training and support to help your employees understand and embrace the change.
  • We work with leaders and line managers to ensure that their people are well supported through the change and help support them to lead the change.

Embedding and Sustaining:

  • We work with you to embed the change into your organisation's culture and ensure it can be sustained.
  • We assess the effectiveness of the change and identify any latent points of resistance or areas where adoption has been less successful and plan for remediation.


Problems we can solve

  • Employee resistance – Change can be uncomfortable, and that's when resistance starts. Left unmanaged, it can become a killer of progress. We work proactively and reactively to identify resistance quickly and implement mitigation plans to help convert resistors into supporters.  
  • Communication breakdowns – During change, with lots happening, especially in large, complex environments, it's common that communication breaks down and gets in the way of progress. This can be communication between the project team or the wider organisation. We craft compelling communication strategies to keep everyone on the same page.
  • Lack of resources or capability – Delivering change can be resource-intensive and difficult. We're experts on the change maker's side and can provide resources and capability to help deliver meaningful, pragmatic, sustainable change.
  • Failure to achieve the desired outcomes – Many initiatives fail to deliver their intended outcomes; good change management can help secure the people-dependent benefits of your project by ensuring people are engaged, equipped, and motivated to sustain the change.

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We have the power & energy to transform

In 2022 we delivered bespoke services to Tulip PLC in a way like never seen before.

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