Organisation Design

Engaging in Organisation Design and Development could be due to a change in leadership, external forces so pervasive that you cannot ignore them, or an opportunity you're not optimised to capitalise on now. Ultimately, the organisation must evolve to remain agile and responsive to customers. It's about more than just organisation charts; it's unlocking the potential of your talents, business process, technology landscape, data insights, and ways of working to your strategy, with a practical roadmap that delivers.

We don't focus on complex frameworks or impossible-to-implement transformation plans. We bring expertise on how to change organisations for the better pragmatically.

Lancia Consult Services


How we can help your business

  • Setting the vision – All organisation design needs a guiding north star, an articulation of what the organisation should look like, do, and be when the organisation design is complete. During our vision-setting phase, we set design objectives, engage with key stakeholders and leaders to understand the rationale for the changes, assess change readiness and early impacts, and align on the narrative.
  • Designing the future – In this phase, we will focus on designing the correct organisational structures, including the creation and prioritisation of design principles, choosing the correct high-level structure (e.g., product, function, market, etc.), right-sizing the spans and layers, ensuring capabilities are aligned with need, deciding on cultural and behavioural shifts, aligning the benefits case with the new design and creating plans for the next phase.
  • Implementing the designs – Moves the design from "on the page" to "in the organisation." It includes making changes to structures, processes, systems, job roles, capabilities, and so on.  
  • Measure, monitor, iterate – Once the changes are live, it's time to measure the effectiveness of the changes – e.g., is everyone fully trained on their new roles and ways of working? Finally, we consider if any tweaks or further iterations are required to deliver the new design's benefits fully.  


Problems we can solve

Our organisation design services can help you solve the following problems:

  • Your organisation needs to be more agile and adaptable.
  • You need help communicating and collaborating across departments.
  • Your costs are too high.
  • Your employee engagement and satisfaction are low.
  • Functional or business unit silos are frustrating progress and slowing decision making.
  • Accountabilities are unclear.

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We have the power & energy to transform

In 2022 we delivered bespoke services to Tulip PLC in a way like never seen before.

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