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3 things that should be on the agenda of HR Leaders in 2024 (but might not be!)

A 'Leaders at Lancia' post written by Jonny McCormick

As we enter the New Year, you're probably thinking about all the things that you and your people team want to achieve this year. It's tempting to venture into the well-trodden paths of improving performance management, changing approaches to training, updating policies, etc. These are all important, of course, but in growing companies, the role of the HR leader is becoming increasingly multi-faceted and complex. So, here are three things that might not be on your agenda yet but should be.

🤖 Integrating AI and establishing 'rules for the road'  

Aside from working out ways to integrate AI more into your HR operations (especially for highly mechanised and repeatable elements of HR like recruitment, payroll, and benefits), think about the impact that AI is going to have on the people in your company. This doesn't sit solely with HR; you'll need to collaborate a lot with your colleagues in IT, but you can support in ensuring the protection of employee data, selecting the right tools (that are free from bias and conform to internal ethical standards), training people on the impact and use of AI tools, and establishing norms for use internally.

🙋 Navigating a 'Total Workforce' environment  

With the availability of talent via less conventional means than a straightforward full-time or part-time contract, managing people (and robots!) is becoming more complex. Forward-thinking HR leaders are thinking about developing strategies for managing a diverse and fluid workforce that blends full-time, part-time, gig workers, SMEs, partnerships, and robots. Things to consider: how to make the workforce equitable using policies, benefits structures, engagement tactics, and cultural norms.

🌱 HR supporting sustainable practice

As climate change and the sustainability agenda become even more important (especially given the increasing questions about the efficacy of green credits and offsetting), HR can lead in ensuring sustainable working practices. Have you considered how your approach to hybrid working can impact your footprint? What about reducing talent mobility? How about advocating for the inclusion of the green agenda in company culture and behaviours?

In 2024, HR leaders who anticipate these challenges (and the ones that will inevitably arise over the course of this year) will be well-positioned to lead their organisations into a progressive future.

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